Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Hugelkultur variation

I am still developing my new vegetable garden site (which was previously a poison oak patch). The soil there is already pretty good, but I recently started a major project to improve it. This was inspired by a huge pile of half rotten wood that is taking up far too much space around a walnut tree. I have decided the best way to get rid of it, is by using it to make some hugelkultur inspired beds. I wouldn’t exactly call them hugelkultur beds because I am keeping them low (I am afraid they would lose too much water in summer if they were taller). 

Wood is actually a very good source of nutrients and energy for the soil, but is very high in carbon when new, which means it can take nitrogen from the soil during decomposition. Half rotten wood is already well on the way to being broken down, so doesn’t have this problem.

I am taking a fairly quick and easy approach to making the beds. I have been digging out 6” of soil, filling the excavation with old wood, covering it with a layer of horse manure (some fresh, some aged) and replacing the soil. This raises the bed somewhat, but I’m expecting (wanting) it to sink significantly, to leave a very slightly raised bed. I will keep doing this until I run out of wood or energy, whichever comes first.

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